I wanted to remove some unwanted links from My account navigation links. So i attempt the below method by creating a new magento module to accomplish it as follows. Prior to try this let me hope you have prerequisite knowledge in deriving a new customized magento module. Let’s begin :
How to remove navigation links from My Account in Magento?
Step 1 : Create a XML file in app/etc/modules/YourNameSpace_Customer.xml
<config> <modules> <yournamespace_customer> <active>true</active> <codepool>local</codepool> </yournamespace_customer> </modules> </config>
Step 2 : Create a php file in app\code\local\YourNameSpace\Customer\Block\Account\Navigation.php:
_links[$name]); } } ?>
Step 3 : Create a configuration XML file in app\code\local\YourNameSpace\Customer\etc\config.xml:
<config> <global> <blocks> <customer> <rewrite> <account_navigation> YourNameSpace_Customer_Block_Account_Navigation </account_navigation> </rewrite> </customer> </blocks> </global> </config>
Step 4 : And finally you can remove My Account links individually from your local.xml file as :
<customer_account> <reference name="customer_account_navigation"> <action method="removeLinkByName"><name>recurring_profiles</name></action> <action method="removeLinkByName"><name>billing_agreements</name></action> <action method="removeLinkByName"><name>tags</name></action> <action method="removeLinkByName"><name>OAuth Customer Tokens</name></action> <action method="removeLinkByName"><name>downloadable_products</name></action> </reference> </customer_account>